Start your podcast in 7 days with daily lessons

Hey, I'm Colin! Founder of, co-host of PodCraft, and if you aren't a podcast geek already... I'm about to make you one!

This free course will teach you the same process I've used myself to start podcasts with millions of downloads, and the same one I've taught to thousands of thriving podcasters since 2011.

Your first lesson will arrive instantly. We guarantee zero spam.

You're in good company

From just an idea today, to your first episode published on Apple Podcasts and Spotify this time next week.

You'll get one email in your inbox each day, with defined tasks, tips, and a stack of free resources to help you conquer your first podcast. 

Ready to start? Just enter your email above, and we'll send the first lesson.

Who's our course for?

StartPod is for new creators, people with an idea for a podcast, maybe even a rough plan.

You don’t want to pay $1000s on consultants and producers

You want to empower yourself and become an independent creator

You have an idea, but you’re having a hard time making it real

You’re resourceful, willing to put in the work and follow our steps

Over the past 10 years, we’ve proven to tens of thousands of podcasters that our approach to podcasting makes it easy to start but, more importantly, keep going.

Who's not a fit?

This is a free course that’ll help you get the job done, as it’s the same method we teach in-depth in our paid books and courses. It’s the bare minimum to get you started, fast.

You need personal guidance, your questions answered

You work best in a group, with community support and inspiration

You want 0 guesswork, deep video-based courses

If you fall into this group, our premium learning community, PodCraft Academy, can help you.
Learn about the Academy
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“Colin is the man when it comes to helping you launch a podcast or improving your skills. The online courses were invaluable and his advice along the way superb.”

Andrew Hart
Financial Advisor

Here's what you'll learn

Each day of the email course, I'll give you something to do.
By the end of the week, you'll have done everything you need to launch your show.

If you stick with me, commit a bit of time every day, then I guarantee we can get this show out into the world.

1 How to become an essential listen

2 What equipment do I need?

3 Format, length & frequency

4 How to record a podcast

5 How to edit a podcast (and how much!)

6 Where do you actually upload a podcast?

7 How to get into Apple Podcasts & elsewhere

What our community has to say

More podcasting resources